Ghost - Set up your own theme development environment

Loving Ghost and inspired by Donovan Miller @ i setup my own local Ghost development environment with a tweek.
Building on Donovan's ( post I did some tweeks to separate my development themes from the ghost node_module installation and also consequently made it easier to upgrade to newer version of Ghost - now it just to start building themes!
I'm going to repost (with an update) the core setup from Donovan so to make it easy for the next guy.
What you will need
- npm installed - or similar
What you will get
- Gulp
- Ghost
- Your own separate dev themes folder!
Ghost requires some older versions of node to be able to run and hence it may be necessary to downgrade to the older supported version of node. My solution (as I like having my versions up to date) was to install Nave - and I must say it's genius! With Nave you can launch a virtual subshell on top of your installed node version, meaning you can run whichever version of node you want without having to remove current (up to date?) installation.
1.Install Gulp
npm install -g gulp
2.Install and use Nave |
(Not sure if this works on Windows, but I know there is similar alternatives)
>npm install -g nave
>nave use 6.9.0 #starts a virtual subshell with 6.9.0 at the head of the path
> node -v #running requested virtual node version
> exit # go back to the original standard shell
> node -v #This will show your original node install
3.Create a root development folder and gulp tasks folder
mkdir -p /Users/username/Development/Ghost/gulp/tasks
4.Create gulpfile.js for referencing the Gulp tasks (if you want to use Gulp for other apps as well similar setup can we be used;))
nano /Users/username/Development/Ghost/gulpfile.js
File content
var requireDir = require('require-dir');
// Require all tasks in gulp/tasks, including subfolders
requireDir('./gulp/tasks', {recurse: true});
5.Create package.json for installing Ghost and dependencies
nano /Users/username/Development/Ghost/package.json
File content
"name": "Ghost Server",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Ghost Server",
"engines": {
"node": ">=4.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.9.0",
"require-dir": "^0.3.0",
"ghost": "0.11.10"
6.Create the Gulp task to run our Ghost instance
nano /Users/username/Development/Ghost/gulp/tasks/ghost.js
File content
var gulp = require('gulp');
var ghost = require('ghost');
var path = require('path');
var g;
gulp.task('ghost:start', function (callback) {
g = ghost({
config: path.join(__dirname, '../ghost-dev-config.js')
g.then(function (ghostServer) {
7.Create the ghost server's development configuration file
nano /Users/username/Development/Ghost/gulp/ghost-dev-config.js
File content
var path = require('path'),
config = {
development: {
url: 'http://localhost:2368',
database: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/ghost/content/data/ghost-dev.db')
debug: false
server: {
host: '',
port: '2368'
paths: {
contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules/ghost/content/')
// Export config
module.exports = config;
8.Finale structure originally based on Donovan Miller @
Now the structure should look like this
├── gulp
│ ├── ghost-dev-config.js
│ └── tasks
│ └── ghost.js
├── gulpfile.js
└── package.json
9.Now from the development folder run npm install
cd /Users/username/Development/Ghost/
npm install
Now to the tweek!
10.Let's create a themes folder from existing Ghost server themes folder which will hold your personal dev themes
cp -r /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules/ghost/content/themes /Users/username/Development/Ghost/MyThemes
Now structure should be like this
├── MyThemes
├── gulp
│ ├── ghost-dev-config.js
│ └── tasks
│ └── ghost.js
├── gulpfile.js
└── package.json
11.Now we need to delete the default Ghost server's theme folder so we can symlink our own MyThemes folder
rm -rf /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules/ghost/content/themes
12.Finally, let's create the symlink to "external ghost" theme development folder
ln -s /Users/username/Development/Ghost/MyThemes /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules/ghost/content/themes
13.Start and run Gulp with Ghost from root folder
cd /Users/username/Development/Ghost
gulp ghost:start
Congratulations! You are successfully running Ghost!
Now its easy to upgrade Ghost and Node and still keep your themes!
- To upgrade Ghost and reconfigure do the following
#Go to the Ghost root folder
cd /Users/username/Development/Ghost/
#Remove existing node_modules to clean up before downloading new version of Ghost
rm -rf /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules
#Update the Ghost version in package.json under root Ghost development folder, find newest version -
nano /Users/username/Development/Ghost/package.json
"ghost": "0.11.10"
#Change to supported node version using nave and run npm install
nave use 6.9.0
npm install
#Remove the new node_module/ghost themes folder
rm -rf /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules/ghost/content/themes/
#Recreate symlink
ln -s /Users/username/Development/Ghost/MyThemes /Users/username/Development/Ghost/node_modules/ghost/content/themes
#Start Ghost again
gulp ghost:start
Successfully upgraded node version and Ghost server version! Congratz! ;)