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Azure Automation RunBook Power BI Embedded Capacity

Azure Automation RunBook Power BI Embedded Capacity

Azure VM Tags to use Runbook

Automation Powershell script (powershell version 7.1)

# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity -Subscription "XXXXXXXX").context
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription | select-object Id -ExpandProperty Id
foreach ($subscription in $subscriptions) {
	# Set and store context
	Remove-AzContext -InputObject (Get-AzContext) -Force | Out-Null;
	$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity -Subscription $subscription).context
	#Get all PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitys that should be part of the Schedule:
    $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitys = Get-AzResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities" -TagName "Operational-Schedule" -TagValue "Yes"
    Write-Output "Processing Subscription $($subscription) and number of Capacities $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitys.length)..."
	foreach ($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity in $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitys) {
		Write-Output "Processing PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name)..."
		$TimeZone = $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Tags)."Operational-Timezone"
		Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity defined timezone is ($TimeZone), see for available timzones: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones?view=windows-11"
			$TimeZoneAdjusted = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId([DateTime]::Now,$TimeZone)
			Write-Output "Failed to set PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity timezone due to wrong timezone configured, Norway time defaults,, see for correct timzone: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/default-time-zones?view=windows-11"
			$TimeZoneAdjusted = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId([DateTime]::Now,"W. Europe Standard Time")
		Write-Output "Current time of PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity after attepting adjusting the Time Zone to Operational-Timezone is: $TimeZoneAdjusted"
		### Current Time associations
		$Day = $TimeZoneAdjusted.DayOfWeek
		If ($Day -like "S*") {
			$TodayIsWeekend = $true
			$TodayIsWeekday = $false
		} else {
			$TodayIsWeekend = $false
			$TodayIsWeekday = $true
		### Get Exclusions
		$Exclude = $false
		$Reason = ""
		$Exclusions = $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Tags)."Operational-Exclusions"
		$Exclusions = $Exclusions.Split(',')
		foreach ($Exclusion in $Exclusions) {
			#Check excluded actions:
			If ($Exclusion.ToLower() -eq "stop") {$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityActionExcluded = "Stop"}
			If ($Exclusion.ToLower() -eq "start") {$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityActionExcluded = "Start"}
			#Check excluded days and compare with current day
			If ($Exclusion.ToLower() -like "*day") {
				if ($Exclusion -eq $Day) { $Exclude = $true; $Reason=$Day}
			#Check excluded weekdays and copare with Today
			If ($Exclusion.ToLower() -eq "weekdays") {
					if ($TodayIsWeekday) {$Exclude = $true; $Reason="Weekday"}
			#Check excluded weekends and compare with Today
			If ($Exclusion.ToLower() -eq "weekends") {
				if ($TodayIsWeekend) {$Exclude = $true; $Reason="Weekend"}
			If ($Exclusion -eq (Get-Date -UFormat "%b %d")) {
				$Exclude = $true; $Reason = "Date Excluded"
		if (!$Exclude) {
			#Get values from Tags and compare to the current time
			if ($TodayIsWeekday) {
				$ScheduledTime = $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Tags)."Operational-Weekdays"
				Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity is scheduled to run between ($ScheduledTime) on Weekdays."
			} elseif ($TodayIsWeekend) {
				$ScheduledTime = $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Tags)."Operational-Weekends"
				Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity is scheduled to run between ($ScheduledTime) on Weekends."
			if ($ScheduledTime) {		
				$ScheduledTime = $ScheduledTime.Split("-")
				$ScheduledStart = $ScheduledTime[0]
				$ScheduledStop = $ScheduledTime[1]
				$ScheduledStartTime = Get-Date $ScheduledStart
				$ScheduledStopTime = Get-Date $ScheduledStop
				If (($TimeZoneAdjusted -gt $ScheduledStartTime) -and ($TimeZoneAdjusted -lt $ScheduledStopTime)) {
					#Current time is within the interval
					Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity should be running now"
					$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction = "Start"
				} else {
					#Current time is outside of the operational interval
					Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity should be stopped now"
					$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction = "Stop"
				If ($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction -notlike "$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityActionExcluded") { #Make sure that action was not excluded
					#Get PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity PowerState status
					$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityObject = Get-AzPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity -ResourceGroupName $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.ResourceGroupName -Name $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name 
					$PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitystate = $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityObject.State
					if (($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction -eq "Start") -and ($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitystate -notlike "Succeeded")) {
						Write-Output "Starting $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name)..."
						Resume-AzPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity  -ResourceGroupName $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.ResourceGroupName -Name $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name
					} elseif (($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction -eq "Stop") -and ($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitystate -notlike "Paused")) {			
						Write-Output "Stopping $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name)..."
						Suspend-AzPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity  -ResourceGroupName $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.ResourceGroupName -Name $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name
					} else {
						Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name) status is: $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacitystate . No action will be performed ..."
				} else {
					Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name) is Excluded from changes during this run because Operational-Exclusions Tag contains action $PowerBIEmbeddedCapacityAction."
			} else {
				Write-Output "Error: Scheduled Running Time for PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity was not detected. No action will be performed..."
		} else {
			Write-Output "PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity $($PowerBIEmbeddedCapacity.Name) is Excluded from changes during this run because Operational-Exclusions Tag contains exclusion $Reason."
Write-Output "Runbook completed."