Azure Automation RunBook Power BI Embedded Capacity
Azure VM Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (powershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext
Azure Automation RunBook Virtual Machine
Azure VM Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (powershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext
Azure Automation RunBook WebApp
Azure Web App Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (poershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an
github/super-linter - Azure DevOps Pipelines
Linting is a form of static code analysis. It analyzes the code written against rules for stylistic or programmatic errors.
Norwegian regex examples
Determining norwegian identification numbers for a person or a organization can be a neat feature in an organization. However it
Synology SSH key authentication
There is a lot of posts throughout the web on configuring SSH key authentication on Synology NAS many with some
Multiple git remotes
When working with multiple remotes in git you sometimes want the possibility of pushing to all your remotes in one
SSL Certificate convert to .pfx accepted by Azure
If you want to import a certificate into key vault in Azure you are required to have tour SSL certificate
Make the - `Worlds best bread`
So I came over this recipe from my mother in law and to no longer have it on a piece
Cheap website hosting Azure Blob Storage + Azure CDN + Custom domain on HTTPS
There is a lot of posts already on how to host a simple single page application or static website using