Azure Automation RunBook Power BI Embedded Capacity
Azure VM Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (powershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext
Azure Automation RunBook Virtual Machine
Azure VM Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (powershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext
Azure Automation RunBook WebApp
Azure Web App Tags to use Runbook
Automation Powershell script (poershell version 7.1)
# Ensures you do not inherit an
github/super-linter - Azure DevOps Pipelines
Linting is a form of static code analysis. It analyzes the code written against rules for stylistic or programmatic errors.
SSL Certificate convert to .pfx accepted by Azure
If you want to import a certificate into key vault in Azure you are required to have tour SSL certificate
Cheap website hosting Azure Blob Storage + Azure CDN + Custom domain on HTTPS
There is a lot of posts already on how to host a simple single page application or static website using